Return & Refund policy


Our return policy is clear and transparent. it was done to ensure that if you are not satisfied with our company products and website.

If you are dissatisfied with our products, you have 7 days from receipt of the product to return our products.

Remembering that the return is your right. If you wish to make a return, you must send the product to our store, at the address below and after analysis by our shipping team, we will make the refund.

Here are some return rules:

- If the return is due to regret, the shipping cost must be borne by the customer.

- If the return is due to a defect in the product, we will bear the cost of shipping.

Any questions, please contact the address below.


Here is our return and refund policy:

Yes, we accept returns.

Our customers have a period of up to 30 days to return the purchased products.

All returns must be made at the store counter.

All returned product must be unused and new and in its original sealed packaging.

There is no restocking fee.

In case of return due to regret, the freight must be paid by the customer, if the product is defective, the return will be at our expense for exchange or refund of the order.

If you have any questions regarding returns, exchanges or refunds, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Here are means of contact:

Contact us